·1 min
After looking at Ben Overmyer’s KB, I thought of all of the websites/web creators that were influential to me. Here’s an incomplete list. Sadly, several of the folks on this list no longer have websites or their old websites have been forefeit to the spam gods of the internet.
My formative years on the web were during the Web Standards Movement of the late 1990s. My main interests were interoperable website design and making the web accessible to all. These movements were pretty successful, but there’s still more to be done with interoperable web design and accessibile technologies.
- 456 Berea Street
- Dan Cederholm
- Danah Boyd
- Sub Blue
- phong
- Doug Bowman
- Mike Davidson
- Erin Kissane
- Zeldman
- Joe Clark
- Ben Darlow
- Shaun Inman
- Eric Meyer
- Mena Trott
- Mark Pilgrim
- Brad Choate
- Ben Trott
- Coudal Partners
- Greg Storey
- Chris J Davis
- Dave Shea
- Jeffrey Veen
- khoi vinh
- Matt Haughey
- Tantek Çelik
- Dunstan Orchard / 1976design
- Molly Holzschlag
- Matt Mullenweg
- Andy Budd
- Dan Rubin
- Jonathan Snook
- Jeremy Keith
- Aaron Gustafson
- Jeff Croft
- Todd Dominey (formerly
- Jim Winstead Jr
- ForgetFoo
- Houser Design
- Bryan Veloso
- Paul Stamatiou
- Jason Santa Maria
- Daniel Bogan (aka Waferbaby)