My name is Andy Hill. Some quick facts:
- I’m married (since 2010!) and I live in Seattle, WA. I was born, raised, and went to college in western Kentucky.
- I am an elder millennial.
- Caregiving and ALS continue to be a big part of my life.
- I play the trombone and piano (barely!).
- I enjoy riding my bicycle around Seattle.
- I haven’t owned a car since February 2021.
A note #
The opinions expressed here are my personal opinions. Content published here is not read or approved in advance by anyone and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of my employer. This website is mine and no one else’s.
Content I’ve made elsewhere on the web: #
- Virtual Andy - my software development blog
- pinboard.in - links from browsing the web
- ahill@mas.to and itsahill00@threads.net for the fediverse, itsahill00 is twitter.
- github
- bluesky
- StackExchange - internet karma points I collected
- bookwyrm - books I’ve read, similar to GoodReads
I made a list of internet folks that I considered influential to me, you can find that at Influences.